Who we are
The apostolic movement of the Militants of Mary received pontifical approval on April 7, 2009. The Holy Spirit inspired this charism through Fr. Tomas Morales so that young women may attain sanctity through the completion of their personal vocation. For this purpose, formation is received through our Summer Camps, Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, retreats, morning Masses honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturdays and so on. This formation begins for young girls ages 8-12 and extends throughout all stages of a woman’s life.
United by the same desire to spread the Gospel and the love to Our Lady, the militants of Mary promise to live in a way that is consequent with their Baptism in their family, studies, friendships, and workplaces, in addition to being faithful to the formative and evangelization style of Fr. Morales’ charism.
What characterizes us
Pillars of Formation: Demanding Spirit, Fighting Spirit, the Cultivation of Reflection and School of Constancy.
Our Motto: “For the Immaculate Virgin, ALWAYS, MORE, AND BETTER”.
Our Favorite Phrase: Never get tired of always beginning again.
Our Goal: To live our faith with joy and without complexes and to be missionaries among the youth and young people.
They are a profound experience of faith that leaves a mark in the person that goes through them doing them according to the Ignatian method. They are the best means to start a serious and effective true spiritual transformation.
If silence and interior reflection have always been necessary for starting a true interior reform and any effective project to transformation of our world, how much more necessary are they today in a frantic world always occupied by the external, trying uselessly to fill an emptiness in the heart with external goods!
Each Saturday, the day consecrated to Our Lady, we celebrate morning Mass as a community. We offer this Mass for the youth and the young people, especially those who are far away from God. We also use this as a special opportunity to get closer to the sacraments of the Eucharist and Penance.
Among our formation activities, our Summer Camp holds a place of honor. The Summer Camp lasts for two weeks and the main goal of it is to foster in the participants the cultivation of reflection. Our Summer Camp also intends for the participants to develop to the highest degree and in harmonic way the talents that each person has so as to obtain a balanced personality.
In these days, the conditions of the camp make possible for each participant to the discover truth by herself since austerity, discipline, and friendship are intertwined in a joy-filled ambient.
These camps are designed specifically for our youngest age group – those from 8-12 years old. They begin to receive human and spiritual formation in a joyful environment sharing games, crafts, friendly contests, and excursions.
In certain times of the year we also organize pilgrimages to significant spiritual sites, such as Santiago de Compostela (The Way of St. James), or significant Marian sites such as Lourdes, Fatima, or Guadalupe. We also participate in World Youth Day, living these days of encounter with people from other countries and cultures, as a sign of our unity with the Pope.
Formation topics important for the current times are base for discussion in our Circles. In them, after a brief presentation of the topic there is time for discussion where questions are welcome. We finish our Circles sharing our apostolic experiences.
The College Students Encounters take place twice a year. During the Encounter together with talks, small groups and round tables about the chosen topic we have also meetings about apostolic experiences, festivals, cultural tours… everything lives in an environment of family with students and professors together.
TEach month, we set apart a weekend to get together and have a retreat, as a concrete way to remember the Spiritual Exercises, reviewing the resolutions we made and setting new goals for ourselves. During Holy Week, we have the Holy Week Retreat in which, in an environment of joy and family, we reflect upon the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Through the NGO Berit, we organize mission trips to various countries around the world. This initiative responds to the desire of many young people to serve others, devoting their summer or even a year to help those in need. In Spain, for example, we visit and serve work camps in impoverished rural areas. Outside of Spain, we go to countries in Africa or Latin America, we help with tasks of evangelization (catechesis), education and health.