Today many priests have a great desire to serve God and others in total self-giving through a holy priestly life. It happens, unfortunately, that fraternal communion, mutual support and help to deepen both their theological formation and spiritual life is many times missing. All these things, sources that contribute to give vitality and deepen their own vocation in order to strengthen them to face the current dangers in our time that they encounter.
In his Apostolic Exhortation Pastores dabo vobis, Pope John Paul II invited to a permanent reflexion about the essence of the priesthood: “The priestly vocation is essentially a call to holiness, that is born from the sacrament of Holy Orders. Holiness is intimacy with God; it is the imitation of Christ, who was poor, chaste and humble; it is unreserved love for souls and a giving of oneself for their true good; it is love for the Church which is holy and wants us to be holy, because this is the mission that Christ entrusted to her. Each one of you should also be holy in order to help your brothers and sisters to pursue their vocation to holiness…” (33).
The Priestly Fraternity “Fr. Tomás Morales” emerged from this context. On December 8, 2012, the Priestly Fraternity received its first canonical recognition decreed by the Archbishop of Munich, Cardinal Reinhard Marx. The Fraternity is part of the spiritual family of the Secular Institute of the Crusaders of Mary. It bears the name of its founder, the Spanish Jesuit, Fr. Tomás Morales (1908-1994), who by the example of his life as a priest, became an authentic model and spiritual promoter for both the laity and priestly vocations.
Who belongs to the Fraternity?
The Priestly Fraternity is made up of diocesan priests. They carry out, with love and fidelity, the mission entrusted to them by their bishop. At the same time, they dedicate themselves to accompany and support the vocation and spiritual lives of the members of the Secular Institute. This task is usually carried out by the regular proclamation of the Word of God and the celebration of the sacraments. Additionally, in a Ignatian-Carmelite spirit and full of an authentic Marian devotion, priests collaborate with the Institute in the theological, spiritual and intellectual formation of the groups that the Crusaders lead in their ministry.
What kind of activities may the priests find in the Fraternity?
By means of monthly meetings, regular retreats and annual spiritual exercises, the priests of the Fraternity strengthen their vocations and support each other to grow, with the grace of God, in sanctity. The Fraternity help them to be more aware of their unity, in heart and spirit, through the daily meditation of the Word of God and the celebration of the Eucharist. In this way, the Fraternity becomes an amazing divine help to the total give of self, as the Good Shepherd does, and hence to the call to holiness, for the glory of God and the good of the Church.
Priestly Fraternity Tomás Morales
Prof. Dr. Christoph Ohly (Arzobispado de Colonia)